💻 iOS → Backend → React

🏡 CHI → SF → BOS → CHI → SF → NYC → SFI've actually moved this many times.

I'm obsessed with finding hard problems to work on, like directing the largest hackathon with 2,000+ attendees over 36 hours, creating a real-time analytics engine for the factory floor, or making acessible encryption for everyone.

Naturally I end up applying functional programming concepts to hard problems and enjoy the benefits of purity and simplicity. Some of my favorite languages are Elixir , Rust , and ReasonML.

Between professional work and school work, I advocate strongly for using "Strong Opinions, Weakly Held" as a framework for thinking. This is something that my Engineering Manager at Braintree imparted on me, which helped reframe and apply some strong thoughts I had regarding Software Egnineering.
